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Zorro and the Three Musketeers - 3.5

(Aventura, Ação, Comédia)

1963 - 101min

Data de Lançamento: 14/02/1963
In the first half of the 1600's, France is at war with Spain. The cousin of the king of Spain, Isabella, is held captive in the French castle, and the Count of Seville is sent to France as a diplomat. While there, he is escorted by the Three Musketeers, who discover that he has secretly made a deal with Cardinal Richelieu to disclose Spanish military secrets in exchange for Isabella's release. However, he is merely bluffing and plans to take Isabella by force. When the musketeers discover this, they come to his aid, and together the four of them work at freeing the Countess. Meanwhile, the Count doubles as Zorro to free the Spanish court from a treacherous suitor.
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