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Where's the Party Yaar? - 5


2004 - 110min

Data de Lançamento: 24/05/2004
In a small village in India, Hari Patel visits an astrologer before his big trip to America. Upon his arrival in the U.S., Hari stays with the Bakshi family. Mohan Bakshi's fraternity Rho Beta Rho helps promote Indian parties on campus, but the party promoter is on a mission to keep the FOBs (Fresh Off the Boat) out of the party to maintain a cool image for his events. As the astrologer’s revelations begin to materialize, Hari realizes that he must go to the party to get the girl of his dreams. This sends Hari and his friends on a relentless search for their true loves and the big party.
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foto-ator-Kal Penn

Kal Penn - Mo

foto-ator-Sunil Malhotra

Sunil Malhotra - Hari