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Lana in Love - 0

(Drama, Romance)

1991 - 88min

Data de Lançamento: 17/10/1991
Once the ad ran in the "personals" you'd think that Lana (Daphna Kastner) would just sit back and choose from the young men who'd come calling. Well, think again! Unfortunately for Lana, she encounters Marty (Clark Gregg), a cocky, beer-guzzling plumber who is sent to Lana's address by mistake. He thinks he's stumbled upon a beautiful young business woman's attempts to seduce him. And she thinks he's the doctor that responded to her ad - although, with his tool kit in hand and his name printed on his shirt, he's a bit different than what she imagined. When the real doctor calls, life for Lana becomes even more complicated. What follows is a hilarious adventure of failed romance and twisted human relationships. Will Lana get her pipes checked? Will Marty get his tool kit back? Does it really pay to advertise?
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foto-ator-Daphna Kastner

Daphna Kastner - Lana

foto-ator-Clark Gregg

Clark Gregg - Marty