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Built Beautiful: An Architecture and Neuroscience Love Story - 0

( - , História, Documentário)

2020 - 79min

Data de Lançamento: 01/01/2020
For centuries, humans have sought to express beauty in architecture and art, but it is only recently that neuroscience is helping to determine how and why beauty plays an important role in our wellbeing. Architects and neuroscientists are embarking on a new field of study in which subliminal responses to one’s built environment may influence the future of design. Experts argue that positive subliminal reactions lead to a pleasurable experience, one reminiscent of a powerful meditation session. The question remains: what makes a building beautiful - or more specifically, which elements of the built environment does the brain recognize as beautiful? Narrated by Martha Stewart.
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foto-ator-Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart - Narrator

foto-ator-Renée Fleming

Renée Fleming - Self