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foto do ator Tony Giorgio

Tony Giorgio

Data de nascimento:


Local de nascimento:

Herkimer, New York, USA

Data de falecimento:



Tony Giorgio was born in Herkimer, NY on September 27, 1923. He grew up in Schenectady, NY during The Great Depression and began his career in show business as a professional "amateur", performing magic in talent shows for pay. At the age of twelve, he ran away from home to join a circus and performed magic in the side show. His first appearance in films was as a card dealer in "Big Hand for the Little Lady." He subsequently appeared in over 100 movies and TV shows; won an Emmy for "Ziggy's Gift" and appeared on stage as Big Julie in "Guys and Dolls" starring Milton Berle. His most iconic film appearances were as Bruno Tattaglia in "The Godfather", Frank Palancio in "Magnum Force", and Don Scagnelli in "American Me".